Canadian Senate Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology

The Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology is a Canadian Senate committee of the Government of Canada.

It has a mandate to examine legislation and matters relating to social affairs, science and technology generally, including: (1) veterans affairs; (2) Indian and Inuit affairs; (3) cultural affairs and the arts; (4) social and labour matters; (5) health and welfare; (6) pensions; (7) housing; (8) fitness and amateur sport; (9) employment and immigration; (10) consumer affairs; and (11) youth affairs (Rule 86(1)(m)).[1]

From 1984-2000 the Committee in each session established a Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs to examine matters pertaining specifically to Canadian veterans.


Party Member Senate division
     Liberal Art Eggleton, chair Ontario
     Conservative Kelvin Ogilvie, deputy chair Annapolis Valley - Hants - Nova Scotia
     Conservative David Braley Ontario
     Liberal Catherine S. Callbeck Prince Edward Island
     Conservative Andrée Champagne Grandville - Quebec
     Liberal Jane Cordy Nova Scotia
     Liberal Lillian Dyck Saskatchewan
     Conservative Nicole Eaton Ontario
     Conservative Yonah Martin British Columbia
     Liberal Pana Merchant Saskatchewan
     Conservative Bob Runciman Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes - Ontario
     Conservative Judith Seidman De la Durantaye - Quebec
